The Devil is in the Detail!
So, we’ve arrived in 2019 and Christmas is but a distant memory. However my sales team and I worked tirelessly in the run up to the festivities, and, dare I say those long hours are delivering results already for our clients leading to more viewings and resulting in 38% of all the sales in Kenilworth which were agreed in January. In a market that has toughened and moved over the last 12 months we have made small changes in our practices, all of which are paying off. Our most effective change has been immediate viewing feedback. We are operating in a market where buyer is king. So, if we service buyers well, then we, as a bi-product, service our clients well. If we obtain good quality immediate feedback and comparison information from a viewer, then that information is invaluable to the agent and seller in helping us achieve the all important sale. This business is not rocket science but our philosophy is to do the basics……and do them well!